The Warrior of Light 719 Website!!

Welcome to the Warriors of Light 719 Community Events and Engagement page.
Here we will be posting and discussing our community events. The purpose of our events is to inspire, plan, uplift, give training, and unite the community. It is together, with an understanding of who we are, that we will be able to Co-Create a peaceful, loving, and joyful world for all.
Nov 1 Community Gathering
At this event, we gathered together to learn Shaolin breath work, have some good food, and discuss the Great Awakening. This was a very fun event where we began to develop relationships.
Special thanks to Steve Woods who allowed us to use the Concrete Couch to hold our event. The Concrete Couch is truly an example of what community means.
Special thanks to the members of HopeCos who were able to make an appearance. HopeCos is a great organization that is on the front lines of helping the homeless with supplies, food, warming shelters, and love.
Special thanks to Shanti who runs the Earth Church under the pavilion at the Manitou Memorial Park every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This truly is a spiritual community of love.

More to come!

Welcome to:
The Warriors of Light 719
A Guide to Self-Mastery
For education, and training start here
Welcome, humane family. Now is a time of great change, transformation, and self-realization. We are currently going through what is known as the Great Awakening or Ascension. How we have been experiencing life is drastically transitioning for the better, however, we must begin to go inward and understand "Who am I" and "What can I do". You can take many pathways on this journey, and none of them are wrong. The Warriors of Light 719 "A Guide to Self-Mastery" seeks to guide individuals and groups through the process of Self-mastery. this consists of leading by example, giving spiritual tools, and mentoring those interested in opening the energy pathways of the Physical, mental, emotional, and life energy bodies. This leads to connecting or deepening the connection to the divine within. connecting to the divine within happens in degrees or stages, as you go deeper your perception of life changes.
As we grow together the Warriors of Light 719 seeks To Co-creat with the source creator and all humanity the Soul Society Revolution! (a Non-violent, human consciousness-raising, Revolution)
We can best serve:
Those who are seeking higher-level truths, those on a spiritual path or just starting a spiritual path, those currently going through suffering, those who feel lost, those who care for the environment, those who want to see humanity prosper, those wondering what the awakening is, and those ready for the most exciting adventure they could ever imagine.
For environment and connection start here.
For contact and services start here.
Becoming a Warrior of Light start here.

Teachings and focus
We focus on the studies, practices, research, teachings, documents of the mind, the world, energy, frequency, vibration, the human system, sustainable practices, art, creativity, rituals for light, esoteric teachings, Alchamey, yoga, chakra, Shaolin and self-mastery.
We are at an incredible time in human history. The world is vastly changing. We can no longer ignore certain truths about the world, governments, and society. As we currently see impending catastrophic events on the horizon, we know we can change everything for the betterment of all mankind. We seek to use the ancient teachings of the ascended masters and those of The Initiate Of The Flame to strengthen the people's Souls. We seek to open the energetic pathways of the human being and planet. We seek to make Basic needs; Food, water, Air, shelter, energy, communications, community, medical, education, and transportation; accessible, invested, and protected for everyone.
We Bring the SOUL Society Revolution-
A non-violent solution to today's problems!


Rudolf Steiner

hermes trismegistus

Manly p Hall

Napleon hill
How we serve:
We serve by offering programs, classes, and courses to groups or individually. We currently offer three programs and one course.
Introduction to Shaolin Arts - Our current teachings come from the Shaolin Temple Europe, where they offer "A Way to Self-Mastery," led by Shifu Shi Heng Yi. These teachings are over 1500 years of human cultivation passed down through generations. The beautiful part of these teachings is that all the secrets are held within the movements and practices. As you train in this Art you become aware of deeper parts of yourself and develop an understanding of cultivating different types of energies. This art is a complete internal energy system that holds many possibilities for development. Though this art is primarily known for its martial arts, it holds significant applications for spiritual and Healing purposes.
To have this opportunity to study and pass on these teachings has me personally honored and grateful. These teachings are extensive and of so many varieties that there is practical application for any age or gender. If interested take some time to look at what Shaolin Temple Europe and Master Shi Heng Yi offer on YouTube first.
Introduction to meditation - The definition we give of meditation is "The practice of harmonizing energy in order to enter different states of being". There is a saying "Anything can become a meditation, not everything is a meditation". the concept of meditation can be difficult to grasp but there are many varieties of meditation all with different effects.
In this program, we focus on teaching a passive, single-point, breath meditation. We go into detail about cultivating the breath, working different stretching passions to open the body, utilizing different types of sitting/walking/standing/laying body positions for meditation, and doing a 15-25 min sitting meditation practice
Mental and Emotional Healing - The first Noble truth is that Life has pain and Suffering. Pain is that which teaches us a lesson. Suffering is the unnecessary pain we cause ourselves by not learning the lesson the first time. We are currently going through what can be called The Earth School. There are many lessons and tests on this journey of life.
Without an understanding of certain concepts, it can be very difficult to navigate the human experience. We all have the potential to accomplish our most fanciful desires. However, we create blockages in our energy pathways that cause us to experience suffering. Additionally, we create or have created Karma in this life or past lives that may need to be cleared. Nothing we experience is by accident, not the families we come into, not the people we cross paths with, nothing is by accident. Everything external to us is only a reflection of our internal being. As we understand more about ourselves it gives us the tools to navigate challenges with grace, and to persevere in even the darkest moments of life.
In this program, we sit together in a therapy-like manner and go over the challenges of life you are currently facing. We discuss different tools and resources that could help in these turbulent times.
Lv1 Awakening course - This course seeks to help individuals connect to the divine within to such a degree that they become self-governing. We are not alone on this journey of life and have many unseen forces aiding us.
This course will take you through one process of opening the primary 7 chakras in the human system, overcoming energies of Fear, Guilt, Shame, Grief, Lies, Illusions, and attachment to a degree that you can recognize and follow your inner voice.